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How i protect myself from 'wannacry' ransomware

How i protect myself from 'wannacry' ransomware 

Microsoft’s Windows operating system have been hacked by WannaCry in more than 50,000 devices in 99 different countries around the world. You must to be careful with the self-spreading ransomware, Called ‘Wanna Cry’ or ‘Wanna Decryptor’, exploits a vulnerability in Microsoft’s Windows operating system. 
Hackers can hack your system and encrypt all existing files on your computer, You can restore files again only after paying $ 300 within a certain period.
It is believed that this ransomware is spread through phishing emails, malicious adverts on websites, and questionable apps and programs.

This malicious software used by WannaCry, which has the ability to deploy automatically over large networks by exploiting Microsoft's Windows operating system, exceeded 50,000 devices in 99 different countries around the world, Security companies and electronic protection says it has automatically updated Windows to protect its customers from WannaCry, Which was launched on March 14 the last update to protect users from the Eternal Blue.

Among the most common cases of this software were the British health system, the international shipping company FedEx and the University of Milan, Piccolo, Italy

The best solution is to update the Windows operating system you are working on, but you can also do these steps to protect your files from 'Wannacry' until the update process because it may be as long as your Internet speed, These steps are an alternative to prevention and not the ultimate solution to protection.

Click Turn Windows features on or off

Look for the command "SMB 1.0 / CIFS File Sharing Supports"  and remove the mark  

Finally, restart your computer

This solution i consider it a precaution for your device to penetrate and encrypt your files, but the best solution is to update your operating system.

Share with everyone you know to protect as much people we can from this Attack 'Wannacry' ransomware .

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